“Most scientists and environmentalists say yes: By definition, clear-cutting trees and combusting their carbon emits greenhouse gases that heat up the earth. But policymakers in the U.S. Congress and governments around the world have declared that no, burning wood for power isn’t a climate threat—it’s actually a green climate solution. In Europe, “biomass power,” as it’s technically called, is now counted and subsidized as zero-emissions renewable energy. As a result, European utilities now import tons of wood from U.S. forests every year—and Europe’s supposedly eco-friendly economy now generates more energy from burning wood than from wind and solar combined.” ~ The ‘Green Energy’ That Might Be Ruining the Planet; Politico.com

Second generation forest growth
Young trees growing in a formerly harvested tree field. | Mehmet Demirci for POLITICO

I have watched green and sustainable be abused in many different ways but this perhaps is the most bizarre example yet.

We constantly devise ways to use more electricity per person – electric signs along the road telling us our speed or to wear a mask for Covid are my newest pet peeve. To address this increased need for energy we burn trees – and we have the audacity to call it green! sustainable!!

This is a great article on biomass fuel from trees.
